One such channel for Telugu movie fans is Aha.Watch movies online on AHA, which is just like your other OTT channels. However, it screens its content only in Telugu. Aha offers Telugu language-specific content and a range of movies right from the hits of the nineties to the latest Telugu movies online. They also have a huge library of talk shows, web series, and other genres. All these make it the most loved platform in the Telugu fraternity. Owned by the Arha Media & Broadcasting Pvt. Ltd the channels are tailored for the Telugu audiences exclusively who can watch the show from anywhere in the world.
If you are in the search for the best contemporary content in Telugu then it is worth exploring the services offered by AHA video. It has an impressive collection of the best shows and movies in the Telugu language.
Content that you will fall in love with
Launched on the 8th of February, 2020, the channel has wooed the hearts of Telugu audiences. This is because the company only screens the best content from Telugu cinema and television on this platform. That does not mean that you have limited choices when you sign into AHA. There are endless movies and series on AHA in the Telugu language. These are sure to keep you glued for hours. And you can also watch some exclusive movies on AHA that you may not be able to find anywhere else.
Here are some of the top movies screened on AHA.
- Krishan and his Leela is a hit on AHA. The lead role of the movie is played by SiddhuJonnalagadda. The romantic entertainer from the Suresh production has definitely lived up to its expectations.
Bhanumathi and Ramakrishna directed by SrikanthNagothi is a happy movie with no fuss attached to it.
KanuluKanulanuDochayante is a crime entertainer on AHA. which keeps you in front of your screen till the last as it is full of twists and turns.
Apart from these, you can also watch Colour Photo, OreyBujjiga, Mayaanadhi, and the other popular movies on AHA.
Aha also offers plenty of web series to choose from. Commitmental, Mastis, Locked and Sin are some of the web series that any Telugu web series fan should not miss.
AHA is a free to download app that can be accessed on computers, smartphones, or the smart TV. It comes with a yearly subscription plan of just Rs, 365 giving you access to the best Telugu content right at your fingertips. Want to give it a try? You get a 30-day free trial before you become a paid member.
AHA is undoubtedly the most loved Telugu movies and web series screening platform today. So what are you waiting for? Download the Aha app and start browsing through the various Telugu content right away!