As title of sub forum state, it is your place to provide gamer stats like:
Who you are? Do not worry if you cannot place your real name. You can use screen names and just think how the name relates on you and in the gaming world.
What is your gaming history? What is your first war gaming and other kinds of gaming experience, how does your taste progress over the years.
What is your gaming preference like board games, video/pc/console games or online games which includes PBEM, VASSAL or forum run game like card games, zone games and others? What you want and what you don’t want? What’s the favorite productivity tool? Do not forget to make a list of this.
What gamer level you rank or rate? Is it beginner, novice, average, advanced or pro? If you like tournaments, what kind of tournaments you have participated and placed?
What gaming organization are you in? (BPA, DCI etc)
What other online game forums you belong?
Your gaming objectives, like new directions you would like to discover what types of game you would be fond of to play in.
Have you made your design of game, variants or rules? Do not forget to list the control bunker sub forums as well.